Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I did ask if I could build them though. I mean, come on, they don't have any fancy edging (or whatever you call it) on them. Not to mention, I think it is a good thing to know how to build stuff. I should try out for that show on TLC...the take home a carpenter or something...maybe he would show me how to build some stuff. :)
Labels: Pottery Barn Kids
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Labels: Piper pics
Monday, February 25, 2008
Here are my deals for the week so far. First stop was at Rite Aid where I bought:
- 1 Lysol disinfectant spray
- 1 Garnier conditioner
- 1 4pk of lightbulbs
- 1 Crest Pro Health toothpaste
- 4 Jane makeup items
- 1 2pk GUM toothbrushes

- 1 Schick Titanium razor
- 1 3pk of Irish Spring Soap bars
- 1 small Tresemme hair spray

- 2 6pks of Charmin
- 1 Garnier hairspray
- 4 boxes of Life cereal
- 2 boxes of Celestial Seasonings Tea
- 1 Excedrin migraine
- 20 pks of seeds for my garden and flower beds

Oh how I love getting good deals. And a huge part of knowing what is on sale is thanks to Money Saving Mom. If you don't read that blog, you should. Now. :) That is all for me tonight. Happy deal hunting this week!
Labels: deals. cvs, rite aid, walgreens
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tracy over at Mama of Boys nominated me for a blog award. Thank you!
Here are the rules:
Blogging With a Purpose Award Rules:
1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award.
2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose.
3. In their post about the award they need to link back to this entry.
4. Awarded parties must post the award banner on their site. The banner must remain linked to the above linked site.
I would like to nominate:
Like Merchant Ships: I LOVE reading how she decorates on a budget and her meal plans and everything else. And anyone who tries cooking like this for a week definitely deserves an award!
The Lazy Organizer: I love reading her Smart Habit Saturdays. She gives such great ideas on how to form better habits. I also adore her hats that she knits. They are so cute! Check this one out.
Andrea Burns: She takes the most adorable pictures of her 2 boys and also has a very cute shop where she sells her own designs. She also has a very helpful photoshop Friday on her blog that has helped me learn more about fixing my own pictures. Check out this cute pic of her boys that she made for Valentine's day.
Brenda Acuncius: She is another photographer extraordinaire. Oh how I wish that I could take pics like this...and this...and this. Maybe someday. Although I think that it helps that she has such an unbelievably cute daughter. :)
Crystal at Biblical Womanhood: I constantly read her blog for inspiration. I love Frugal Friday hosted at her blog and have come across some great ideas that I have implemented in my own home. She also has another blog, Money Saving Mom, that has been awarded also. I LOVE her other blog also and it has helped to save me so much time and $$.
Thanks to Tracy for nominating me!
Labels: Blogging with a Purpose Award
Friday, February 22, 2008

Labels: Ambry and Piper pics
Monday, February 18, 2008

Labels: Piper pics
It also states the city's mission statement and I can not believe that people would make that big of a deal out of having a reference to God in their statement. Maybe I shouldn't be as surprised as I am, but it is so ridiculous how far people go out of their way to get away from God. Maybe it is because they don't like having their sins pushed into their face by any mention of God. Either way, I think it is ridiculous!
Labels: politics
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Labels: Valentine's
Friday, February 08, 2008
1. What is your occupation? wife and mom.
2. What color are your socks right now? No socks. Just bare feet.
3. What are you listening to right now? Ambry cutting up yet more paper. It is currently her favorite 'art' thing to do. Otherwise all is quiet since Piper is napping right now.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? quesadilla.
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink.
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom.
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I saw this on Sarah's blog and decided to do it too.
9. How old are you today? 24
10. Favorite drink? Diet Pepsi
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? Can I pick more than one? I would say football first, then basketball, baseball, tennis, and the list goes on from there...
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, although I have refrained now for over a year! Yeah!
13. Pets? No!
14. Favorite food? Anything and everything Mexican.
16. Favorite Day of the Year? Thanksgiving. Even though it gets busy going to so many different places, I love it.
17. What do you do to vent anger? Now I run to get over being mad...before I would pout.
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies :)
19. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Spring
20. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
21. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberries
22. Who are you living with? Caleb, Ambry, Piper, David, and Gerrit
23. When was the last time you cried? I don't remember.
24. What is on the floor of your closet? Clothes. Don't worry, it is folded. We have those wire storage things since we can't fit it all in our dresser.
25. Favorite smell? Cologne or perfume. I don't know why but it makes me happy. :)
26. What inspires you? A clean house. I feel I can do anything when I don't have a big mess holding me back.
27.. What are you afraid of? Heights, definitely.
28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Spicy
29. Favorite car? My neon...before I crashed it. That was a sad day.
30. Number of keys on your key ring? 3. I only use one though. That one is to my car. The other two I just realized I don't even know what they belong to.
31. How many years at your current job? Almost 5 years.
32. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
33. How many states have you lived in? 2. California and Michigan.
34.. How many countries have you been to? 1
35. What is your favorite tv show? What Not to Wear
Happy Friday!
Labels: stuff
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
**EDIT**Just thought I should add that I do not exactly like this lady too much. She seems to always be yelling at her kids, and I mean yelling, when they are delivering the paper. One day this summer one of her kids tried to tell her she was going to hit the neighbor's trash cans when she was backing out of their driveway and she responded by yelling back that she could see the trash cans and don't tell her how to drive. There was no response from the kid. Then yesterday when they got stuck in the snow, I could hear her yelling from across the street at her kids. That was when I got my camera and took the picture of her getting stuck. Caleb met her yesterday and without knowing my opinion, came in the house and said that he didn't think she was the nicest lady. So not that my amusement makes it any better, but I couldn't help taking the picture when I remembered her yelling at her kids...
On a sidenote, that is how bad the weather here has turned yet again.

Bridge Safety Checks From MSNBC.
So after that, everyone who lives in the area had better be oh so very, very careful driving because the roads and apparently some bridges are not in good condition.
Labels: stuff
Monday, February 04, 2008
I made a trip to CVS this past week again and here is what I got:

- 2 packages of Colgate, 2/$5.00
- 1 Maybelline eye shadow trio $5.49
- 1 barette marked 75% off, $.79
- 1 Softsoap hand soap, $1.50
- 2 packages of 100 ct. Excedrin, $6.99 each
- 1 Garnier conditioner, $3.99
- Not pictured is a little "makeup" bag I got for Ambry marked 75% off. It had some light pink nail polish and 2 little chapsticks. She was giddy as all get out over it too. :) $1.49
- I also got Caleb some Softsoap body wash. $3.99
-$5.00 off $30.00 CVS coupon
-$4.00 off $20.00 CVS coupon
-$3.00 off $15.00 CVS coupon
-$3.00 Excedrin coupon
-$3.00 Excedrin coupon
-$1.00 Garnier coupon
-$.35 Softsoap hand soap coupon
-$1.00 Softsoap body wash coupon
-$.75 Colgate coupon
-$.75 Colgate coupon
I used up $13.08 in ECB's.
Total out of pocket? $.91 !!!
Yeah! Another great deal at CVS! I also got back $24.48 in ECB's so I almost doubled the amount of ECB's that I used on the purchase. If only you could see my face right now. You would see a gigantic grin of absolute giddiness over such a great, grand, super deal. :)
Happy Monday!