Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tracy over at Mama of Boys nominated me for a blog award. Thank you!
Here are the rules:
Blogging With a Purpose Award Rules:
1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award.
2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose.
3. In their post about the award they need to link back to this entry.
4. Awarded parties must post the award banner on their site. The banner must remain linked to the above linked site.
I would like to nominate:
Like Merchant Ships: I LOVE reading how she decorates on a budget and her meal plans and everything else. And anyone who tries cooking like this for a week definitely deserves an award!
The Lazy Organizer: I love reading her Smart Habit Saturdays. She gives such great ideas on how to form better habits. I also adore her hats that she knits. They are so cute! Check this one out.
Andrea Burns: She takes the most adorable pictures of her 2 boys and also has a very cute shop where she sells her own designs. She also has a very helpful photoshop Friday on her blog that has helped me learn more about fixing my own pictures. Check out this cute pic of her boys that she made for Valentine's day.
Brenda Acuncius: She is another photographer extraordinaire. Oh how I wish that I could take pics like this...and this...and this. Maybe someday. Although I think that it helps that she has such an unbelievably cute daughter. :)
Crystal at Biblical Womanhood: I constantly read her blog for inspiration. I love Frugal Friday hosted at her blog and have come across some great ideas that I have implemented in my own home. She also has another blog, Money Saving Mom, that has been awarded also. I LOVE her other blog also and it has helped to save me so much time and $$.
Thanks to Tracy for nominating me!
Labels: Blogging with a Purpose Award