Monday, October 30, 2006
Just something cute...

So can you tell the difference between the two? I'm sure you can if you look at the dates on the pics, but isn't it amazing how much they looked alike at this age???
Labels: Ambry and Piper pics
Just a little update on Piper...
Saturday night she was still running a very high temp., so I called my mom and she decided to come over and help me out with her. (TAHNK YOU MOM!!!) We were up about every two hours with her making sure that her temp didn't get too high and she was getting enough fluids so she didn't become dehydrated again. At about 3:00 am my mom thought she did not have a temp and I thought for sure she did. So after two different thermometers both read differently, I headed out to the store to buy a new one. Three different readings later, we decided that she had a temp. After that, we made it through the night rather uneventful, but still having to give her Tylenol every four hours to keep her temp down. Another call in to the doctor Sunday morning, and off we were to their office.
I suppose a nice thing about having a sick baby is you get seen very quickly. The doctor wanted to do a catheter for a urine sample and luckily they do those right there( hospital visit!). It is not nearly such a bad procedure as I thought it would be either. Real quick and not even too bad for her. She just looked up at me with big eyes the whole three seconds it took. Then they do a dip stick test to get a preliminary result and that came back showing some white blood cells in her urine. That can mean a urinary tract infection. So they ordered a shot of Roseffin (sp) for her. Poor girl. I feel so bad for her and all the shots and pokes and prods that she has had over the last four days. The Roseffin they said should clear up the infection if it is UTI. If not, then they wwould have to reexamine her and order more tests to be done if she hadn't improved at all. If it was a UTI, then they would probably order a VCUG (sp) which is where they inject dye into the bladder and then do an ultrasound of her kidneys and bladder to see where the dye is going.
Hopefully it is nothing too serious and we won't have to do any more tests. Piper and I then went home after dropping Caleb and Ambry off at church. Another long day of monitoring her temp and making sure she was drinking enough fluids. At about 6:00pm her temp was way back up again so I called the doctor again. They said not to worry too much about it and just to watch her very carefully and watch for signs of dehydration or a change in her behaviour. Another four hour wait and hoping that her temp will not have gone back up...10:00pm came and...NO FEVER!!! I thought it was a fluke so I took it again and then again. Nope. It was all good. No more fever. I still woke up at 4:00 to check on her--no every two hours again since I was up until about 12:30 with her that night. NO fever again at 4:00 or at 6:00 when Caleb went to work. YEAH! I still had to call the doctor and let them know how she was doing, and they said I still had to come in with her for one more shot of Roseffin. We are still waiting on the urine cultures to come back and see what the results of those are. Either way, no matter what the results are, they are not going to do any more tests, according to the nurse, since she is doing a lot better and not running a fever anymore. Hopefully tommorrow will bring good news.
Thank you again everyone for all your prayers!!
Saturday night she was still running a very high temp., so I called my mom and she decided to come over and help me out with her. (TAHNK YOU MOM!!!) We were up about every two hours with her making sure that her temp didn't get too high and she was getting enough fluids so she didn't become dehydrated again. At about 3:00 am my mom thought she did not have a temp and I thought for sure she did. So after two different thermometers both read differently, I headed out to the store to buy a new one. Three different readings later, we decided that she had a temp. After that, we made it through the night rather uneventful, but still having to give her Tylenol every four hours to keep her temp down. Another call in to the doctor Sunday morning, and off we were to their office.
I suppose a nice thing about having a sick baby is you get seen very quickly. The doctor wanted to do a catheter for a urine sample and luckily they do those right there( hospital visit!). It is not nearly such a bad procedure as I thought it would be either. Real quick and not even too bad for her. She just looked up at me with big eyes the whole three seconds it took. Then they do a dip stick test to get a preliminary result and that came back showing some white blood cells in her urine. That can mean a urinary tract infection. So they ordered a shot of Roseffin (sp) for her. Poor girl. I feel so bad for her and all the shots and pokes and prods that she has had over the last four days. The Roseffin they said should clear up the infection if it is UTI. If not, then they wwould have to reexamine her and order more tests to be done if she hadn't improved at all. If it was a UTI, then they would probably order a VCUG (sp) which is where they inject dye into the bladder and then do an ultrasound of her kidneys and bladder to see where the dye is going.
Hopefully it is nothing too serious and we won't have to do any more tests. Piper and I then went home after dropping Caleb and Ambry off at church. Another long day of monitoring her temp and making sure she was drinking enough fluids. At about 6:00pm her temp was way back up again so I called the doctor again. They said not to worry too much about it and just to watch her very carefully and watch for signs of dehydration or a change in her behaviour. Another four hour wait and hoping that her temp will not have gone back up...10:00pm came and...NO FEVER!!! I thought it was a fluke so I took it again and then again. Nope. It was all good. No more fever. I still woke up at 4:00 to check on her--no every two hours again since I was up until about 12:30 with her that night. NO fever again at 4:00 or at 6:00 when Caleb went to work. YEAH! I still had to call the doctor and let them know how she was doing, and they said I still had to come in with her for one more shot of Roseffin. We are still waiting on the urine cultures to come back and see what the results of those are. Either way, no matter what the results are, they are not going to do any more tests, according to the nurse, since she is doing a lot better and not running a fever anymore. Hopefully tommorrow will bring good news.
Thank you again everyone for all your prayers!!
Labels: Piper pics
Friday, October 27, 2006
On a little bit of a happier note, here is what I found Ambry doing this morning :)

When she realized that she wasn't in trouble, she gave me a huge smile. At least the only place that she got the "lipstick" is on her face :)
Labels: Ambry pics
Thursday, October 26, 2006
So today was an absolutely crazy day! Last night Piper woke up with a fever around 2:00 and it was a blazing 102! When we woke up this morning it was down to 101, but still plenty high enough to be concerned about. So we called the doctor and went in for an appointment. When we got there, her fever was down to 98.7 which was great! Or so I thought. We saw the doctor and he told us that since there was no obvious reason for her having the fever he was sending us to the ER to have blood work done, a catheter put in for a urine sample and a spinal tap done. WHAT!!! So off we went to the ER where we spent three crazy hours with them trying to get blood work done. Since she was so dehydrated, it took them forever. They finally had to drip it out of her foot which was terrible because it took ten times longer than normal. When they went to put the catheter in, she went to the bathroom all over the place. Which was great because that meant no spinal tap and they could basically tell us that she had a viral infection. Sooo, after all that they told us that she had viral gasterenteritis (sp). They were going to run an IV to make sure that she was hydrated and if she responded well to that and was able to start eating really well again, we would be able to go home. Two hours later and about ten pokes and a very stressed out mom they finally got the IV in. The poor girl had such a rough time. Because she was so dehydrated it took them forever to get it in. After about an hour on the IV she was totally perked up and looking around and smiling. It was such a relief to see her beautiful blue eyes looking up at us. It was the first time today that she really woke up. So, after all that we were able to be discharged at about 8:30 pm and made our way home. I am so thankful to God that we made it and that nothing was seriously wrong.
Thank you to everyone who was praying for Piper that she would be all right and a HUGE thank you to a great sister-in-law who was able to take Ambry on such quick notice. I am so thankful for such wonderful family who are so close to home!!
Thank you to everyone who was praying for Piper that she would be all right and a HUGE thank you to a great sister-in-law who was able to take Ambry on such quick notice. I am so thankful for such wonderful family who are so close to home!!
Labels: Piper pics
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
here are some of my favorite of the two girls together. i love the last one. ambry looks like such a proud big sister! there weren't too many of ambry that turned out...she was a little preoccupied with all the open space that she could run around in. then when she saw the toys, it was over. such a little stinker :)

Labels: Ambry and Piper pics
two beautiful pics of piper at the park taken by my friend robyn. aren't they so cute???

Labels: Piper pics
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
so i have decided to try this whole blogging thing basically to keep in better touch with those who i don't get to see on a regular basis. not sure how good i will be at posting, but we'll give it a go. today ambry and i went to klacken orchards on a "field trip" of sorts. piper stayed with grandpa and grandma while we went. it was a good thing too since it was pretty chilly when we first got there. we got to go on a tractor ride out to the apple orchards and pick two different kinds of apples--braeburns and fiji--sp? there was also a whole play thing for the kids there and some kind of stinky animal that we didn't pet. it looked like a llama? i wasn't sure. here are a couple pics from the day.

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