Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Day 2 of our new Family schedule...yeah!
Here is our schedule as it stands right now.
6:30--I get up, get dressed, start coffee...because, well I am not yet a strong enough person to get up that early without some help. :) Clean up for 1/2 hour.
7:30--wake up kids
7:45--breakfast and devotions
8:00--kids get dressed. Clean up for 1/2 hour.
8:30-10:30--school. So far, this has been the perfect amount of time that we need to get done all of our books.
10:30--snack break
10:45--Clean up for 1/2 hour. My hope is that we will be able to have the type of house that no matter when someone drops by, it at least looks presentable. Now, now, no laughing...one can hope!
11:15-1:00--reading, internet time, free time for kids, and/or errands
2:00--I work out. Kids read.
3:00--work on projects. For me, this means painting or cleaning out closets. For kids, this is art projects, coloring, or some type of art project that they would like to do.
4:00-5:00--Clean up or run errands if we didn't have time to run them earlier. 4:00-snack time.
5:00-5:30--get dinner ready
6:30--clean up, devotions, sing songs
7:00--Family time! The girls favorite time of our schedule so far.
8:00--girls get ready for bed.
8:30--all kids in bed
Today was day 2 of our schedule and it went great! I am loving having so much done by the end of the day. Plus, the kids are doing amazing on it. They know what to expect next and what I would like them to do. Also, they are so much more willing it help out. Clean up time has worked out great since they know that we are going to do it for a half an hour and then move on to the next part of our schedule.
We are going to keep trying to stick to it without deviating from it too much. I will keep you updated. Hopefully I will be able to say that we are still committed to our schedule a week from today.


Love it! So is it still working? I write them out but hardly ever stick to them.
Hey Sharon! I was just wondering the same thing...how is the schedule working out? :-)
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