Tuesday, May 08, 2007

So I start softball season here soon and although it isn't a serious league, I still want to be a little bit in shape...I figure I need to be at least able to run the bases without getting out of breath. :) So I have taken up walking. Yesterday the girls and I walked over th D&W. I put Piper in the backpack carrier ($5.00 at a garage sale and I figured it would be handy for trips like this) and put Ambry in the running stroller with some books. I even threw some cans in the back of the stroller to bring back. Caleb and Gerrit thought it was probably around 3 miles round trip. I'm hoping it was close to that. I figure I can bribe Ambry with going on that walk if we stop at the ice cream place on the corner.

We went to the park today and I was able to take a couple pics of the girls. None of them turned out real great though, so we'll have to go back and take some more. I loved this one of Piper cracking up though.

This is how most of the pics of the girls turned out together. Piper loves to pull Ambry's hair and Ambry loves to try to pull her own hair back. It is like some fun torture game for Ambry. So we will have to try for better ones of them next time together.

I like this profile one of Piper. It even looks like she has a chin. Quite an accomplishment for her. :)

Look at that grin. The picture turned out a little dark so I will have to try to fix that. I love how she is sitting up though and smirking. She looks so grown up.

I better get off to cleaning now. I am so tempted to go and sit out in the sun, but I have way too many projects that I want to get started. Have a good Tuesday!


Adorable! Looks like you guys are staying plenty busy over there. Gotta love the weather! I think Lincoln and Piper need to hook up a and make the world's chubbiest and cutest babies. Oh if the chubbs looks that cute on me, life would be bliss.
Cute pic's the girls look really cute. Good job on the walking call me anytime I'll meet you at charlie's dump for a walk or something. I go almost every night after dinner with Roman for a walk Ben will go with if he's home but he's been working late lately so it's just me and the boys or boy..:)
What darling little girls. You should be a proud mama!!
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