Thursday, December 21, 2006
Piper is outgrowing her size small diaper covers(I use cloth diapers) and I needed to go and get her the medium size. Stop #1 was Target. Normally I am very happy with Target, but this time, not so much. They had plenty of cloth diapers and diaper pins. Right next to each other too. BUT no plastic pants!!! What?! They had training plastic pants for sizes 2T and up but no baby sizes. Like babies don't need them or what? Not impressed at all. So on to stop #2--Meijer. Again I found the cloth diapers and the diaper pins. But they only had sizes 18-24 mo. and up. In fact, they had all the way up to 5T. But do they also think that there are no babies that need plastic pants. I actually asked someone this time and they told me they were fazing them out. What?? Does no one use cloth diapers anymore? Oh well. On to stop#3--Walmart. Normally I will not set foot in a Walmart. The whole big super chain taking over little ones kind of stops me from going there. Anyway, they again had plenty of cloth diapers and diaper pins, but again no plastic pants smaller than 24 mo. I was so frustrated at this point and with two cranky kids, I was not about to drive out to Baby's R Us to check them out. Who knows? With the way my day was going, I don't think I would have even found them there! Not to mention I just didn't feel like driving 45 minutes to go check. Maybe another time. For now, I am just going to squeeze her booty into the size small and get by. Just felt like venting about it. :)
Labels: Piper pics
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Have you checked on line yet? Maybe you'll find some online that are cheaper and you can order or maybe a place like didee service would have them some place that takes your used diapers away and washes them for you. I think didee service is still around that's who my mom used when we were kids and she got her her supplies from them...just a thought.
Did you find any yet? In all the diaper collection I have only two plastic pants that fit him and I use the term "fit" loosely.
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